Brandy Zadrozny,

When you wrote me to ask how I “feel” about having my book being banned from Amazon, I asked you if you had any medical or science training or experience working with autistic children.

You said you did not.

At that point, I told you that this was a medical story and as such requires serious and sober consideration.

Your article is slander at its most base, produced for sensationalist purposes, and an affront to the many thousands of families struggling to help their autistic children.

#1 - Parents are not poisoning their children.

#2 - Chlorine dioxide is not in any way chemically related to household bleach. It is used in dental practice, as a purifier of public water supplies, and in sprays to decontaminate produce, meats and fish.

This very basic information is readily available from the American Chemical Council and its website which I directed you to.

There you would have learned that the CDC, the EPA, the WHO, and the FDA all approve of the use of chlorine dioxide in these applications.

Chlorine dioxide is used therapeutically by MDs in a number of countries including Germany. One has even written a book on the subject which is easily found.

To fail to report these basic facts in an article on chlorine dioxide is a form of fraud.

As for the two “experts” you relied on as the primary source for your article, they are, if real, misguided and misinformed individuals at best.

One, Melissa Eaton, who you say is from Salisbury, NC, has no public presence anywhere on the Internet other than your article. The other, Amanda Seigler, is a veterinary technician, dog groomer, and pet sitter. Honorable work, but hardly qualifications as an expert NBC should be consulting on medical matters.

That these two women are involved in an ongoing harassment campaign against families with autistic children is beyond shameful and it’s hard to imagine by what twisted logic you hold them up as heroes.

Their role models, Emma Dalmayne (UK) and Fiona O’Leary (Ireland), are well known for their harassment of groups like REGRET, an advocacy group in Ireland for girls and young women injured by Merck’s Gardasil vaccine; advocates for the legalization of CBD oil; Caudwell Children’s Charity; the Autism Trust UK Charity; Irish Autism Action; and the National Autistic Society of the UK.

The video below shows some of their handiwork in Dublin, Ireland.

That you would join these individuals in their work is a disgrace to you and NBC and while I may suffer torrents of hate mail triggered by your slanderous and dishonest article, I sleep well at night knowing I alleviated my own son’s autism symptoms massively and have helped thousands more including over 500 that have experience complete remission of all symptoms.

- Kerri Rivera
Doctor of Homeopathy

Emma Dalmayne and Fiona O’Leary… and their new colleague Brandy Zadrozny