General Statement to Press Inquiries

I’m a health care practitioner with over fifteen years experience successfully treating children who have autism including my own son.

I receive a large number of interview requests from early or stalled career reporters who have no background in health care, medicine or working with autistic children who want to talk with me about “toxic bleach.”

To call chlorine dioxide “toxic bleach” is fraud, pure and simple.

I respectfully request that you use the Internet to do some basic homework.

The FDA permits chlorine dioxide to be used as a food additive

The EPA endorses the addition of chlorine dioxide to public drinking water and estimates that is used by 300 to 400 water utilities throughout the US.

For those who slept through Chemistry class or haven’t yet taken one, I recommend contacting the American Chemistry Council or at a minimum visiting their web page on chlorine dioxide here:

I’m sure you can understand that if you’re not willing or able to do this level of fundamental background research and insist on spreading delusions that chlorine dioxide is “toxic bleach”, there is little for us to talk about.

The reporting on the topic of chlorine dioxide is apparently an ethical challenge for reporters and one that some fail.

A private investigator with military intelligence experience and a career at a three letter agency volunteered his services to put together a web page documenting the work of reporters who have been the most active in spreading misinformation to the public about what chlorine dioxide is – and isn’t. It appears that some of these reporters have been actively coordinating with abusive Internet trolls who have been caught harassing families of children with autism.

- Kerri Rivera
Doctor of Homeopathy